Saturday, May 5, 2012

My visit to the old city of Jerusalem

This trip is one of the 4 guided tours of my boss' paid gift tours. Although I already went to the Old city maybe less than a hundred times,  this trip was terrific. With the guide and the pretty explanation, I learned about the history of the places we went and the entrees and exits. If you aren't familiar of  the way, the streets and outlets surely you get lost.
Well, it was an honor to set foot and visiting the places where Jesus walked while He was on on earth. We went to the Bethesda pool, where in Jesus' time a sick person must be thrown to the pool for his healing. Then we  pass by the via Dolorosa,  here Jesus carried His cross to the Calvary. After that,  we went to the Wailing Wall. This is the place where the Jewish people pray if they have especial request to our Yahweh.

The old city is just like 4,000 years ago.The wall are still in almost original structure except to some necessary repairs. There are some places of the old city where it is called Jewish quarter,  the other is Christian quarter and the other is the Arab quarter. We also visited where the Temple used to be and it is called Temple Mount. Now the dome of the Rock had been built over that area. On this site is sacred for both Jewish and Arab people.This is also the root of quarrels between two sons of  Abraham, the root of two religion quarrels.

I love Jerusalem.This is the center of Israel and Israel is the center of the world.

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