Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's my faith that sustains me.

The Bible says that at least we have a faith like mustard seed. Mustard seed is a small grain, yet when it grows it becomes big. The small mustard seed was a parallel on how our faith grows. I was just a new Christian that had a hunger and thirst to know Jesus. I met Him in an un-expected place. The time I invested to know Him was not in vain. By the time I needed  His divine mercy and guidance, He used people of different nationalities at different locations and time.

I was on my death bed in one of the clinics in Paris as I was given only 10 days more to live. But His words gave me life as I was reading the Bible. He also used people to send me His messages. He used the owner of the clinic to BE A CHANNEL OF FINANCES. And He used my French doctor to keep me alive. God is an artist. God is an administrator. God is a giver. God is a miracle working God. God is all in all.

The verse that hit me most is Isaiah 60:1- Arise,shine for your light has come. I asked God what does this mean. I was dying and how can I arise when I am in so much pain?  I didn't understand. The second verse that hit  me was the one given to me by my church mate when he called me the evening before the day of my surgery.

  He said, Sister,don't worry.IF God opens the door no one can shut and if He closes the door no one can open.

Those words became Rhema to me. My hope rose to the highest level. My hope is God! He is superior and the sickness is just a peanut to Him. By accepting and believing and putting my trust to Him, the result is my divine healing, my medical bill was paid and I am now enjoying second life to Him both second physical life and my second spiritual life!!!!!!Hallelujah

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