Tuesday, April 17, 2012

You ask not so you have not

My Pastor assigned me to Intercessory Ministry.At first,I want to decline,however, being part of the Church,I don't have the option but to obey.As I was meditating the prayer items for our Night of Power and Prayer Meeting combined, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit concerning our financial status.One reason why Church members can't attend the Sunday Service is due to finances.They reasoned out they don't have money for the fare.As a Christian, it breaks my heart for the simple sacrifice they can do for themselves to have the weekly spiritual feeding.They're missing the spiritual food to battle against trials satan is giving on a daily basis, making them spiritually mal-nourished and no divine strength to face the enemy.
The pastor asked me what were the items we were to pray aside for the anointed Sunday Service,newcomers and back sliders.I told him about the financial need of our church.We can't move forward with out money.So for two months or so we were praying for this matter.We are praying for the source of income for every member.We do also pray that  business men will join our church so they can offer employment for the members.We also praying for the good harvest and indeed we had this second cropping season.
God begins to answer our financial supplications.
We have better rice and corn harvest.One business woman donated a second hand vehicle to our Pastor which the church can use when we have district or area meetings and seminars.And this time we are raising funds for our immediate essential needs of additional musical instruments and power point.To God be the glory.When we begin asking,we are seeing the result.As He said, you have not because you ask not.............................

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